
24 Hrs. Roadside Assistance

Roadside Assistance Service Coverage includes:

  • Emergency Roadside Repair
  • Emergency Towing Service
  • Gasoline Refill Service, up to 10 litre
  • Continuation of Journey for Trips of at least 100 kms. away from the Card Member's Permanent Residence

Details: • Roadside Assistance service is limited to 2 times/calendar year with maximum value of THB 1,500/time. • Service stated in number 3, the Bank reserves the right for incident that a car ran out of gas on the road only, not applicable for gasoline refill service at home/residence. The Bank reserves the right to charge actual cost of gasoline refill, if the incident found other than specified T&C above. • Service stated in number 4 is available only when card members' vehicle breaks down when travelling more than 100 km away from home/residence, after the vehicle has been towed to a repair shop and requires repair for longer than 24 hours from the time of breakdown.